New Directions provides counseling, co-parenting and family mediation services. Sandy Davidson is a licensed counselor in private practice in the Charleston Area with office in Goose Creek. She offers individual, family and marriage counseling; co-parenting counseling, and life coaching. Sandy is a seasoned counselor whose training and experience has prepared her to deal with a variety of client problems. Her specializes in treating trauma, problematic relationships, and the fallout of divorce. She addresses relationship issues, parenting, anxiety, panic, depression, codependency, stress, anger management, and trauma. She is proficient in the use of EMDR to address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder, and other anxiety based problems. She also uses the new ImTT which is even more gentle than EMDR in treating trauma.
Sandy is skilled in helping individuals and families deal with the trauma of divorce. Whether you are just starting to think about divorce, in the midst of divorce drama, experiencing post divorce fallout, or looking to find your next Ms. or Mr. Right - she can help.
As a participating provider with many Employee Assistance Programs she provides brief therapy solutions to a wide variety of problems. Sandy's holistic therapeutic style is grounded in the principles of positive psychology, the science of change, and cognitive behavioral techniques. She specializes in the use of EMDR therapy to address anxiety, panic, and past trauma. She is a Certified EMDR Therapist and has been a Certified EMDR Therapist since 2014.
She works to quickly identify the problem, apply an appropriate solution, and assist you in moving toward a happy and satisfied life. She gives you tools to use for a lifetime. Sandy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Mentor Coach, Certified Financial Independence Consultant, and Certified Family Court Mediator.
- Having panic attacks or high anxiety?
- Ready to put your life back together?
- Keep finding yourself in unhealthy or unsatisfying relationships?
- Want to stop fighting and hurting each other?
- Just want an enriched, more satisfying relationship?
- Got marriage problems but not sure you want a divorce?
- Want to make one last true effort to put your marriage back together?
- Having trouble accepting your spouse wants to end the marriage?
- Need help dealing with emotional drama?
- Having trouble negotiating your property settlement?
- Need help agreeing on child custody, visitation, or support?
- Having difficulty co-parenting your child or children with your former spouse?
- Ready to re-enter the dating scene?
- Found someone and want to make sure you get it right this time?
- Need help with blended family issues?
- Loose time or sometimes feel you are outside yourself?
Sandy Davidson MSW, LISW-CP, Certified Mentor Coach, Life Coach,
Faith Based Counseling Available, Individual, Marriage, Family Therapy, Certified EMDR Therapist, Co-parenting Counselor, Family Court Mediator, LISW-CP Clinical Supervisor.

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